Horoscopes: Autumn 2018
Doing So, So, Well (2018) Gouache on paper, by Maia Stark
You don't really let yourself get bored, Aries, until suddenly you are – and then it's unbearable. Why would you cope quietly with boredom when it's an invitation to do something radical? Whatever way out of it you find, if it feels like the right thing, it probably is: you’re no stranger to snap decisions. And when you need feedback, get out of your own drama and pay attention to the people around you – they’ll always let you know how you’re doing. Now is a great time to make Big Changes, especially in the way you conceptualize your relationships. You and I both know there's hardly any difference between experience and art for you already, so strop trying to nail down the distinction and just haul the gap closed instead.
It's hard to get comfortable when what fits well is always in flux. How are you supposed to know what, who, and where you should be when you're back to not knowing what you want? Finding the right configurations of people, places and things – because just one won't work for long – is difficult, but the right ones are the ones that let you explore deeper pleasures and hidden interests. Maybe it's time for a weird piercing, or a good book on a dark subject, or just to get laid. Go with whatever best exposes you to new ways of being, then take the time to explore for a bit before moving on. Let it flow through you; as tempting as it is to get somewhere, don't write off the process of searching. You'll know when something isn't working. Try not to hold on to it.
Hey Gemini – you're slippery to begin with, you know? Just reminding you. This Libra season vibe compliments you heavily from the get-go, much in the spirit of your airy neighbors. This is not the time to be making decisions, just talking them out and then into the ground. Tap into all the graciousness and balance at your disposal and you'll be floating dreamy circles around everyone left on the ground in no time. You can see a lot from up there, but it's also a great opportunity to find yourself in the circle in ways that surprise you. Show up in your community in new ways, and you'll find a brand new avenue for negotiating later on too – especially if you've been trying to get something out of someone for a while now.
You have a subtle strength, Cancer: you're never sure whether you want to be alone. People think intuition is a magic power, but intuition and self-reflection are two sides of the same relentless question mark. But here's one real solid answer for you going into Libra season: focus on taking the space you hold for others back to yourself, and take a leap of faith into real intimacy instead. You're begrudging your friends of yourself because you've done a bad job releasing what they put on you, but it's your turn to share some of the problems you're working on – I promise you'll feel closer to those close to you and buck some lingering doubt around the direction you're going in the process. Open yourself up to inspiration this next week, and you'll figure out what it is you really need to lose. Make sure you hold on to the rest.
You've got a stubborn streak, Leo, and it keeps you hanging on well past when the going gets tough. There's been a lot happening in your close relationships lately, and this month you'll benefit from seeing yourself like the people around you do: a pillar in their lives. Give yourself credit for all the work you do for others, and don’t be shy of calling in a few favours if you need them too. No one's going to be asking anything less of you anytime soon, but when do they step up to the plate? Remember the company you keep and the way you house them in your heart says as much about you as it does them, and call on the Aries moon coming up to help you burn off what isn't serving something within you.
Enjoy your time in the limelight? After a rejuvenating season getting things in order, taking inventory, and sizing up your life and those around you, it's time to take in the fruits of those labors. Though everyone else might be happy to move on from your spreadsheet-level assessments, the results of those surveys are best assessed in conversation this month. What are you thinking about uprooting? Where should you put it down? Can you find inspiration to carry forward in what others are looking to change? Probably, if you bring it up first. Use your desire to help everyone else throw areas of your own reflections into relief. Share resources, argue about the right methodology, explore the ways other perceive the same problems, and you'll feel a quiet epiphany take shape.
Welcome back, happy birthday, and happy solar return, Libra! As the nitpicky energy of Virgo season fades, you're ready to get back out in the world and rub shoulders. Seek out people who can help you dive into something new, something that might make the crowd left huddled at the surface shiver. You can create a lot of intimacy sharing secrets, especially with the ones that invite you to push your limits a bit. There’s an urge to extend past your boundaries to merge with the right person, place, and emotion. There's nothing tethering you to the status quo anyway, and you're feeling that acutely this these next few weeks. Whatever it is you're out for, keep it at a slow burn and take it deliberately – that’s the best way to make plans so daring they leave little room for doubt or fear to creep in.
Luck's been on your side lately, and it's hard to ignore that – all kind of opportunities to grow have been cropping up, and I have a feeling you've taken them. You're never one to rest though, Scorpio, and the next question for you is simple: where should your energy go? You might have a new job and seven fresh hobbies, but resource allocation is an important part of keeping with it. Where do you want your money to end up? Emotional energy? You might feel a little obsessed with yourself and your movements this month, but the process of feeling it out is important, and you gotta pay attention to you sometimes. There's a breakthrough coming, though! And until you see it come together in a way that really clicks for you, spending time with the people who best keep you in check will prevent you from making it too intense.
Feeling cagey lately, Sagittarius? You usually don't take confinement well, especially the kind that leaves you feeling trapped in yourself. Besides, sizing up every person in your life and asking what they really deserve from you is exhausting, and your friendships probably haven't earned the scrutiny. The thing about unease is, it tells us something's wrong but not what. You have to use your words to do the rest: have you stepped on anyone's toes lately? Are you wounded? Trust the answers, not your urge to withhold from the people around you. If you reward the people who've been there for you with a larger piece of your heart, any qualms you have about partitioning it will disappear. You don’t do well with borders anyway.
You’re almost in the home stretch here, Capricorn – whether you’re months or days from what you’re working for, you can sort of kind of see it all coming together. But whatever distance there is between here and there is enough that you still doubt in your ability to get it done. But you know what needs to happen, you got your plan, and you are (thankfully) requisitely deliberate about it all. You can believe me when I say you’ll be fine, or you can make that doubt a problem and tackle it too. Here’s how: keep at it. Utilitarian as your approach is, don’t forget you have the ability to change this plan on a dime when you need to, because every obstacle you surmount between now and then rewards you with a new view to take in.
Welcome to the good temper of Libra season, Aquarius, and congratulations also on your new environment. Whether it's a distinctly physical change or not, take the time to check in with yourself. How are you settling? There's always an adjustment period, but you can't us that as a scapegoat for too long: taking the opportunity to thrive here will give you a chance to meet your goals, if you remember the important ones. You started out on this journey with a destination in mind, and sticking to it will benefit you and everyone you've got along for the ride. It's a good time to take action and the opportunity to change up your routine isn't one to pass up: put the work in and you'll figure out what needs to be left behind for you to move forward.
You have a lot of love for the depths in you, Pisces, and while that might be unique in itself, it’s special that you know it doesn’t have to be exclusive. When you feel safe and understood, you don’t mind bringing others down to show them around. This month, it’s easy to open yourself up to others. Your kindness is best suited to true companionship, the kind that doesn’t impose a weight or responsibility on you. In this state you’re extra vulnerable to the energy of others, so keep an eye on how you’re doing and resist the urge to fix what isn’t working for others. The feelings around you are either bolstering you in this gesture of connection, or weighing you down, and you have the power to just keep the right ones around. Share a piece of yourself, and accept one from another in return.