Regina: Piper Burns
photo credit: Zoe Schneider
I have a photo I had taken at a Halloween party in Regina last year of a person draped in a blanket wearing a creepy monkey(?) old man (?) E.T. (?) mask. Someone told me it might be this guy named Piper Burns.
KC: What kinds of projects are you involved in right now?
I am mostly just trying to keep my room clean enough that my parents don’t kick me out, but I also play drums in a few bands. One of which is called the Florals, we are just wrapping up some recording and will be playing a bit this summer. I also am writing and yelling songs with my friends The Steves, we have 9 fans.
KC: What’s your day job? What do you like about it? What’s challenging?
In the winter I do ice maintenance at the Tartan curling club, but winter is pretty well over so I am bar-tending for the summer. Bar-tending is pretty fun and certain things are especially pleasing, like the way paralyzers look when you first stir them up.
Sometimes it is challenging when someone loses the ability to understand that they are sucking as a person, or they put Neil Diamond on the jukebox.
Most of the time is great tho.
KC: What’s important to you?
That the Blue Jays win more games than they lose this season and Bob Dylan’s health.
KC: What do you like most/least about Regina?
I like riding my bike down the middle of the street at night and I like the Vietnamese restaurants.
I dislike that they tore down a giant thing that taught people stuff by my house, and that they are now building another giant thing that does the opposite.
KC: What is your impression of saskatoon?
I took the bus with my nanna a couple times to see Shakespeare plays by the river, so yeah that place is pretty cultured.
(From The Proust Questionnaire) When and where were you happiest?
I think it was briefly living on an island in 2013 and only having 4 or 5 thoughts a day.