Saskatoon: Chris Morin
Photo by Lindsey Rewuski, Intro/beat poem by Craig Silliphant
Chris Morin – Rock n’ Roll Heart
A Jazzy Beat Poem
His name is Chris Morin. Sometimes he goes by Chrix Morix. He’s a tall drink of water. Hey! Give him some room. He’s gotta stretch out his shit. He’s a writer, editor, musician, illustrator, and a man about town.
Some people sit in Starbucks, tweeting about how they’re ‘writing.’ #amwriting Chris Morin is a real writer. One that actually spends time writing.
He puts pen to paper (or finger to keyboard). He’s like a backyard sprinkler, but instead of water, he’s spitting out zines, tour diaries, short stories, songs, articles, and interviews. Fppt fppt fppt fppt (um, that’s the sound of a sprinkler. Now imagine it’s shooting out writing and you’ll have a mental image of Chris. Or, maybe, Chris if he came from a planet of sprinkler people).
You’ve seen Morin’s writing in a lot of places: (back in the day). Ominocity. Planet S Magazine. Prairie Dog Magazine. Briarpatch. Exclaim!. The Toronto Star. The Star Phoenix. The Magazine for Distinguished Nude Gentlemen. Okay, I made that last one up.
Chris Morin is an illustrator and an artist. I have several of his prints up in my house. I mean, not above my bed or anything, but still, in high traffic areas. His work is minimal and clever. Sometimes you’ll see it on the street in little mini-installations. He hasn’t cut his ear off yet though. If he did, it would be so cool, that everyone else would start doing it too.
Chris has a rock n’ roll heart. He tried to have surgery for it once, but the doctor shook his head and said, “There’s nothing we can do here.” He has played in bands like The Eyebats. And Slow Down Molasses. He holds up his guitar and the ladies swoon. Well, more than they do for me, anyway.
Chris is a punk. Has been since he was a kid. But lookout — that man can sure rock a tie. He’s versatile like that. You can’t pin him down with your notions and expectations. So, STOP TRYING.
The best thing about him though? He’s a cool guy to drink beer and shoot the shit with. Chris Morin. He’s a tall drink of water. And a man with boundless ideas, brains, and creativity.
KC: What kinds of projects are you involved in right now?
My main focus is holding down the bass in a band called Slow Down Molasses. We are about to step into the studio for a new full-length album and plan on touring later this year, hopefully returning back to Europe.
I’m also working on a new zine/book tentatively called “Please Stop Paying So Much Attention” that will be a compilation of totally true stories about watching band mates drink alcohol through their anuses and a brush with a table saw murderer. Totally true!
In addition to offering up freelance graphic design, I’ve also got several illustration projects on the go. Right now I’m working on 100 illustrated love letters dedicated to pizza. I’m working on delivering free pizza art to all 65 neighbourhoods in Saskatoon using social media hints to reveal the super secret location. This will hopefully be part of a larger project to be revealed shortly.
I also run a blog called, although it’s been a little bit neglected as of late. Whoops.
KC: What is your day job? What do you like about it? What is challenging?
I currently work as a reporter and digital producer at The StarPhoenix. It’s an interesting environment in that you can go into the newsroom with no idea what your day is going to be like. It’s also kind of the best because I got to meet the red panda, Phoenix, and have lunch with him.
KC: What is important to you?
Art, travel, serendipity, lulz.
KC: What do you like most/least about Saskatoon?
Saskatoon has always played host to an interesting collection of freaks, musicians, artists, agitators and eternal optimists. It’s one of the reasons that I love this city. But, having lived in Montreal for two years a while back, I’ve always wished there were more of these weirdos. Maybe we all just need to start procreating with one another?
KC: What is your impression of Regina?
Wonderland Arcade. Overpriced pizza. Wonderful, wonderful musician friendos. ‘Nuff said.
KC: How do you survive the winters?
Pillow forts, cuddle puddles, leaky burritos, matching tattoos and essay writing contests.
KC: (From the Proust Questionnaire) How would you like to die?
Pizza avalanche.